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What We Do
Helping you Sort Your Space and Clear Your Mind - so You Can Shine!
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As a Certified Consultant in the KonMari Method® I can advise and support you to improve the order, function, and energetic flow of your home.

Using Marie Kondo's famous method to organise and beautify your home inevitably brings joy in the present moment and has a ripple effect that positively impacts other aspects of your life, including your health and relationships - bringing magical, long-term results.

By turns clarifying and transformative, the KonMari Method® is renowned for the way in which it fosters presence and intentionality, and facilitates the conscious care of our belongings.  Unlike other tidying methods that focus on the discarding of things, Marie's method prioritises the quality of our relationship with our home and possessions. Using joy as a selection tool to review and refine this relationship, one's environment becomes a personalised work of art. This is effectively your new 'life-style' - a style I would describe as a joyfully considered essentialism.

For more more detail on my range of courses, presentations, and consultations, please select from the options below, or visit our Packages page.


Designing for Your Best Life

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©2023 Lumen Living / Spark Joy NZ

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