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Why Spark Joy?

In my previous post “The architecture of joy” I suggested that the quality of your felt experience of your environment matters, and that this felt experience of your space can be compared to a dance between yourself and your things. Specifically, with regards to your experience of your clothing, I proposed that one’s relationship with clothes matters very much, as “the closer an architecture is to your skin, the more important it is.”

Why is our felt experience of things so important?

Because regardless of our concept of space or our past experience of ‘home,’ we all live life through our material being. And as our material being is both sentient and emotionally tuned, we find as a result that the quality of our lives is undoubtedly connected to our relationship with the things we own and the nuance of our living space. This is why when we finetune our space, we ultimately finetune ourselves. So it’s a great idea to optimise this connection! Which is Lumen Living’s mission in a nutshell:

To enhance your experience of your space so you can live your best life.

Photo courtesy of KonMari Media, Inc.

Click the link below to book a free discovery call – we’ll discuss how you and your environment are connected in an energetic dance, and how, as a Certified KonMari Consultant, I can help you improve the flow and function of your space to reduce your stress and bring you more joy!

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